Research Network on Local Products and Geographical Indications of Turkey
My article on “the Food Model that Contributes to the Wellbeing of our Planet” has been published on the second edition of YÜCÄ°TA (Research Network on Local Products and Geographical Indications of Turkey ) Magazine.
YÜCÄ°Magazine is prepared by YÜCÄ°TA and sheds light on many important subjects such as” importance of geographical indications on sustainability, micro bio diversity, global warming, forest fires, and the studies done to protect and replenish all the lost resources…our country’s food resources and cultural heritage such as olive, hazelnut, fig, apricot and studies to worldwide recognition and branding of our produce.. Our local cuisines...
I am proud to take place in such a magazine. I congratulate YÜCÄ°TA President of Prof. Dr. Yavuz TEKELÄ°OÄžLU and the members, for their valuable contributions.